
Spring 2018

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PATRONS | Spring 2018 12 TOWER DEDICATION STIRS EMOTIONS Priscilla Hunt, members of the Hunt family, along with hospital and community leaders gathered before sunset last fall to witness the dedication for the Donald and Priscilla Hunt Tower. Sandy VandenBerge and Craig Leach, president and CEO, unveil a portrait of the Hunt family. Carson Mayor Albert Robles, Priscilla Hunt and Torrance Mayor Patrick Furey. Torrance Memorial unveils the sign for the Donald and Priscilla Hunt Tower. Torrance Mayor Patrick Furey presents Priscilla Hunt with a proclama on from the city. PROGRESS NOTES Priscilla Hunt's grandson, Trip Simmons, reviews the rendering of the renovated Hunt Tower and Hunt family photo while Mark Soma (Priscilla's son-in-law) looks on.

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