Post Magazine

December 2017

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Page 23 of 43 22 POST DECEMBER 2017 OUTLOOK 2018 O For more than 15 years, Post has been dedicating its December issue to the key trends and technol- ogies that are making serious inroads in the post community, as well as looking at what's coming in the year ahead. We will also, once again, continue this special coverage into our January 2018 issue. Beginning with a special SWOT feature, Iain Blair speaks with four top Hollywood directors who share their visions about the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in the industry. The feature provides insight from these industry pros, who reflect on the positives and negatives of our industry, and how the post com- munity is preparing for the new year. Post's audio editor Jennifer Walden follows with a look at current trends in the audio post community — audio for VR, commercials, film and television — and what we can expect in 2018. The section wraps with a special collection of "Outlook" contributions from industry profes- sionals, looking at technologies and trends in visual effects, storage, sound libraries, editing and more. Combined, they offer a solid feel for the current state of the post market, as well as what we can expect. We also invite you to visit our Website — — for a host of additional Outlook contributions. NASA: Mars 2030 Electric Dreams A Nix TV spot Unlocked T2 Trainspotting

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