Arizona Education Association

Winter 2017

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34 ADVOCATE | WINTER 2017 Association Governance NEA State Director and NEA Alternate State Director The AEA Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, states that "Candidates seeking election to a position as an AEA Officer, State Director of the National Education Association, Alternate State Director of the National Education Association and any individual who may wish to seek an AEA officer position that could become available (vacant) through the election of a current AEA officer to a different AEA officer position, shall file in writing a statement of candidacy with the AEA Executive Director. The filing shall include the office the candidate is seeking and shall be filed no later than March 1 of the year in which the election is to take place. In the event that March 1 falls on a weekend or holiday, the next business day shall apply. Individuals failing to file a statement of candidacy by the March 1 deadline shall not be eligible to seek the positions listed above in the elections to be held in the year following the March 1 deadline. In the event that no candidate files for one or more of the positions listed above by the March 1 deadline, the Delegate Assembly may accept nomination for that position(s) during a regular meeting of the Delegate Assembly Candidates for these offices shall have their names placed before the delegates on the first day of the annual meeting." Candidates for NEA State Director and NEA Alternate State Director must submit their completed Nomination Form, AEA Advocate page 36, no later than 5 p.m. on March 1, 2018 via mail, hand-delivery, fax, or email. Regional Directors, Alternate Regional Directors, At- Large Directors, and Alternate At-Large Directors Nominations for Regional Directors, Alternate Regional Directors, At-Large Director, and Alternate At-Large Directors may be submitted any time prior to the closing of nominations on Friday, May 11, 2018 at the AEA Delegate Assembly. Regional Director, Alternate Regional Director, At-Large Director, and Alternate At-Large Director nominees who wish their candidate statement and/or photo published in the AEA Advocate and the Delegate Assembly materials should submit their nomination form for publication to the AEA Elections Committee by 5 p.m. on March 1, 2018. Nomination Procedures for AEA Board of Directors Ethnic minority members are especially encouraged to run for AEA leadership positions. Delegates to the AEA Delegate Assembly May Elect On May 11-12, 2018, delegates to the 2018 AEA Delegate Assembly may elect the AEA Board of Director positions as listed. Each position would complete the term as indicated. And, if needed*, a proportional membership representation of Education Support Professional At-Large Directors, Ethnic Minority At-Large Directors, and corresponding Alternate At- Large Director may need to be elected. Open Positions NEA State Director, 3-year term NEA Alternate State Director, 3-year term Regional Director, 3-year term One (1) Region 2 Director Two (2) Region 3 Directors Two (2) Region 5 Directors One (1) Region 6 Director One (1) Region 7 Director One (1) Region 8 Director One (1) Region 9 Director One (1) Region 11 Director One (1) Region 12 Director One (1) Region 13 Director At-Large Director, 3-year term One (1) ESP At-Large Director One (1) Ethnic Minority At-Large Director* One (1) Ethnic Minority Alternate At-Large Director* Alternate Directors, 3-year term One (1) Region 1 Alternate One (1) Region 3 Alternate One (1) Region 5 Alternate One (1) Region 6 Alternate One (1) Region 7 Alternate One (1) Region 8 Alternate One (1) Region 9 Alternate One (1) Region 11 Alternate One (1) Region 12 Alternate One (1) Region 13 Alternate *If needed.

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