California Educator

MARCH 2010

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MARCH 2010MARCH 2010 CONTENTS FEATURES 6 March 4 rallies — now what 8 Greater Bay Area 10 Greater Los Angeles Area 11 Q&A with CTA President David A. Sanchez 13 Southern California 14 Central Valley 16 Higher education on life support 18 Feeling the pain at Cal Poly Pomona 22 Tough times at Lake Tahoe Community College 24 What CTA members say about cuts to higher education MAKING A DIFFERENCE 26 Project Angel Food delivers meals to the ill 27 Heads up: Deadlines and conference dates 28 Read Across America serves up books and fun 30 Education scholar Diane Ravitch speaks at Urban Issues On the cover: Teachers Association of Long Beach member Allison Cassiday with her son Carl Cassiday, a student at Goldenwest College, cheer at the March 4 “Day of Action” event at Wilson High School in Long Beach. Story on page 6. ACTION 32 CTA, Education Coalition press governor to keep budget promise, pay back schools 32 CTA-sponsored measure would expand role of teachers in charter design 33 CalSTRS update with CTA legislative advocate 34 Public school kids now a captive advertising audience? 36 CTA-sponsored and co-sponsored legislation for 2009-10

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