Whole Life Magazine

October / November 2017

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/884046

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M eet Wildlife SOS cofounders Kartick Satyanarayan and Geeta Seshama- ni. Honorees include Jennifer Con- rad (wildlife veterinarian and founder of the PAW Project), Patty Shenker (animal activist and cofounder of the Animal Advocacy Mu- seum), and Nolan Gould (activist, environ- mentalist, and star of Modern Family). Kip Andersen, director of What the Health?, will be presenting with special guests. This inspiring evening will feature an electri- fying concert with world-groove instrumen- talists Maetar, superstar violinist Lili Haydn, and avant-pop multi-media performance artist AMNL performing. India's wildlife is under severe threat but it's not too late to help. Join us in this ben- efi t for Wildlife SOS, an organization who rescues, rehabilitates, and defends wild- life. The gala will take place in the Bardot Room at the Avalon theater in Hollywood on November 4 from 6 pm-10 pm. For info and tix, visit : TuskAfterDusk.com Join us for Night of 1000 Elephants Tusk After Dusk October/November 2017 33 11 17 28 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS SCIENTOLOGY OPEN HOUSE Stop by for a free tour of our Information Center, free Personality Testing & Films available daily. Open 9a–10p every day. 4810 W. Sunset Blvd., LA 90027; 323.953.3206; www.scientology-losangeles.org SACRED GEOMETRY RETREAT Explore the Divine Signature! Discover the remarkable patterns per- meating nature, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, with our resident sacred geometry scholar. Nourishing meals, reju- venating yoga, natural beauty. Nov 17-19. www.sunburst.org/geometry TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! Experience your true Self with Kriya Yoga meditation and retreat in the Yogananda lineage. Activate your deepest intentions at our New Year's ceremony. Dec 28-31. www.sunburst.org/newyears TRANSMISSION MEDITATION Meditate to serve the world and enhance your own spiritual growth. Groups meet weekly throughout SoCal. Safe, scientifi c, extremely potent and always free. 310-444-2978, TransmissionMeditation.org. Coming Soon December Ongoing SERVICES EDUCATION DATING www.SpiritualSingles.com AD SALES REP WANTED! Come join our dynamic team and earn what you're worth. Potential to earn $500+ per week for the right person. Call NOW! Whole Life Times 310.425.3056 sales@wholelifemagazine.com 11/4

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