Whole Life Magazine

October / November 2017

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/884046

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WHAT COUNTS As the longer, chilly nights begin to em- brace the Southland, we know Hallow- een and Thanksgiving are right around the corner. Whether you are carving Jack-o-lanterns or a delicious holiday Tofurky, or raking the bright golden and crimson leaves as you enjoy a sip of the various pumpkin latte specialties, con- sider a few of these timely stats: Sources: LA Times; Statisticsbrain.com; US Dept of Agriculture; National Resources Defense Council; Brookings Institute. $7.9 Billion is the annual amount consumers spend on Halloween. 4,624 major retail brick-and-mortar stores have closed their doors for good in 2016-2017. 180,000 full-time and part-time employees have been let go. 13.4% of adults will dress like Witches for Halloween followed by Pirates, Vampires, and Batman. 11.5% of people will dress their pets in Halloween costumes. 51,650,000 turkeys are de- voured on Thanksgiving Day. $2.98 Billion is spent on Thanksgiving dinner food in the USA. 13.1 Million children in the USA live in food-insecure households. $165 Billion worth of uneaten food was thrown out in the US in 2016. 39 Million families will travel for Thanksgiving. 112 is the average number of drugs approved by the FDA each month in 2016. 21 states suffered some form of cy- berattack from foreign agents during the 2016 campaign. • Increase oxygen up to 600% • Detoxify at a cellular level • Decrease inflammation • Stimulate stem cell production • Promote healing Bryan Johnson, O 2 Specialist LA's Most Trusted Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic "I cannot express how grateful I am for this treatment and most importantly Bryan Johnson, the owner and operator of 02 UP" - Shannon M. For Appointments, Sales & Rentals 424.256.6287 | info@o2underpressure.com | o2underpressure.com Stimulate stem cell production Oxygen Clinic "I cannot express how grateful I am for this "I cannot express how grateful I am for this Experience the powerful healing potential of oxygen under pressure! 5-STAR YELP RATING "I cannot express how grateful I am for this "I cannot express how grateful I am for this REVIEW 12114 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066 Visit our website for October/November 2017 11

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