California Educator

October / November 2017

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REGION II LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE OCT. 27–29 C O N F E R E N C E Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada. Do you have what it takes to be an association leader? Learn the ropes or increase your skill set. VOLUNTARY DUES CONTRIBUTION NOV. 1 O P T- O U T D E A D L I N E Voluntary annual contributions by members support CTA Founda- tion's grants/scholarships and CTA's advocacy efforts. New members are automatically enrolled in the default contribution of $10 for the CTA Foun- dation and $10 for advocacy. Members may change their allocation or opt out. New members have 30 days from the date of enrollment; previously enrolled members have a window from Aug. 1 to Nov. 1. ESP LEADERSHIP ACADEMY NOV. 3 A P P L I C AT I O N D E A D L I N E For education support professionals interested in CTA leadership roles, 20 accepted participants must commit to be involved at least five years and are reimbursed for travel, lodging, meals and fees. Session 1: Feb. 2–4, 2018, in Burlingame. Session 2: April 6–8, in Los Angeles at State Council. Check with your local president or CTA staff to start the application process. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK NOV. 13–17 E V E N T American Education Week is celebrated the week prior to Thanksgiving week and includes special days to honor par- ents, education support professionals and substitute teachers. CESAR E. CHAVEZ AWARDS DEC. 1 E N T RY D E A D L I N E CTA's Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Edu- cation Awards provide recognition for students who submit visual arts proj- ects or written essays (no biographies) that show understanding of Chavez's vision and guiding principles. Winners receive recognition and up to $550 for both students and sponsoring CTA members. Submitters of a group entry (up to three students) will share the prize. COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION WEEK DEC. 4–10 E V E N T CSEdWeek is an annual program that engages K-12 students in computer science. Its focus is Hour of Code, a one-hour introduction to computer sci- ence and programming. Lesson plans are available for classrooms with or without computer access. GLBT ISSUES CONFERENCE DEC. 8–10 C O N F E R E N C E Fairmont Hotel, San Jose. The Gay, Les- bian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues Conference is open to all CTA members and provides a venue to discuss a variety of issues affecting educators, students and community. Hotel cut-off is Nov. 24. CALIFORNIA STEAM SYMPOSIUM DEC. 10–11 S Y M P O S I U M Moscone West Convention Center, San Francisco. Sponsored by Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation and the California Department of Education, this fifth annual symposium draws thousands of educators to sup- port high-quality STEAM instruction. GLBT SAFETY IN SCHOOLS GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS DEC. 15 A P P L I C AT I O N D E A D L I N E The GLBT Safety in Schools Grant and Scholarship Program in Honor of Guy DeRosa provides grants for projects/ presentations promoting understanding and respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning persons, and scholarships for members in teach- ing/counseling credential or graduate programs who know the importance of LGBTQ+ educators as role models. RA Reminder The declaration of candidacy form for state delegates to the 2018 NEA Representative Assembly in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will appear in the December/January Educator. Gilroy Teachers Association's Tina Fabela, Sheila Monger and Haley Saldaña at the Equity and Human Rights Conference. 9 O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 017 CTA Conference Grants CTA offers a variety of incentive grants to attend its many top- notch conferences. These include Minority, Small Chapter and New Member grants, and cover registration and transportation. Apply by Nov. 6 for grants to the Issues Conference (Jan. 26–28) and Good Teaching Conference North (Feb. 2–4). Apply by Jan. 1 for the Equity and Human Rights Conference (March 2–14) and Good Teaching Conference South (March 16–18). Details at

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