Arizona Education Association

Fall 2017

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30 ADVOCATE | FALL 2017 Bullying Prevention T he Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is an unqualified success, providing new opportunities and futures for nearly 800,000 Dreamers who live, study, and work in America. They are students, educators, small business owners, healthcare workers, and so many others contributing to their families, communities, and to the country they call home. Yet the future of DACA is under serious threat. On September 5, 2017, President Trump announced he is ending the DACA program and the protection from deportation it provides to students and graduates who were brought to this country when they were children. He is giving Congress six months to come up with a permanent legislative solution. Our current immigration system doesn't reflect our American values. So we as educators, students, and allies, must take a stand and #DefendDACA. We cannot and will not stand silently by as aggressive and cruel efforts are underway to deport hardworking immigrants with deep ties to America. Congress must preserve DACA and allow young immigrants to continue contributing to our country. Rescinding DACA would be a devastating blow to our nation's economy and the nearly 800,000 DREAMers who are here. Stand with Students and Educators to Support DACA Sign the Pledge to Show Your Support to #DefendDACA at educationvotes. The AEA Latino Outreach Cadre marched in support of DACA protections for their students and colleagues with community groups in front of the Arizona Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office. AEA Vice President Marisol Garcia pictured above and Cartwright Education Association members Melanie and Sandra Cobos, AEA Organizational Consultant Doug Kilgore, AEA Lobbyist Stephanie Parra, and Tempe Elementary Education Association President Liz Leivas pictured on right.

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