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Letters from the Co-Presidents KEN HOWARD "SAG-AFTRA exists to help our members thrive as we move into the future. To do this, we must be focused and prepared to take advantage of every opportunity." Dear SAG-AFTRA Member, E impressive sight: A 51-foot-wide floor-to- ceiling marble mosaic featuring brightly colored images of men and women at work pays tribute to some of the crowning achievements of human endeavor. From deep-sea exploration to the lunar landing and much in between, the theme tying it all together is Virgil's quote, "Labor omnia vincit": Work conquers all. Located just across Lafayette Square ntering the national headquarters of the AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C., one is greeted by an from the White House, the imposing limestone building is one I have visited many times, but my most recent trip stands out for good reason. On Aug. 1, Co-President Roberta Reardon; Executive Vice President Ned Vaughn; Board members from New York and Washington, D.C.; National Executive Director David White; and other senior staff members joined me at the summer meeting of the AFL-CIO Executive Council. Roberta and I both hold seats as vice presidents on the Council, but that day we had a special purpose — we were there to accept a brand new charter recognizing SAG-AFTRA as a direct affiliate of the national labor federation. 6 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2012 | the charter from AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler and Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker. Standing beneath the likenesses of historic labor giants like John L. Lewis and Walter Reuther, surrounded by fellow officers of the federation's other affiliate unions, it was an indelible moment and an extraordinary reminder of the heart of unionism. But as tempting as it may be to bask in labor's rich history, I am far more interested in our future. We work in an industry of rapid It was a tremendous honor to receive opportunity. Your elected leaders and fellow members volunteer on committees, attend seminars and informational events, and participate in contract-related Wages & Working Conditions meetings — all so we can better see the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We also have an experienced and creative and technological advances. This has always been true, but the speed and scope of today's evolution is remarkable. Throughout the country, SAG-AFTRA members continue to engage in the work that has sustained us for decades — but we are also shooting Web series, recording and shipping digital voiceovers or song tracks, reporting the news via podcast, satellite radio or even Twitter, and taking on countless other emerging jobs in the entertainment and media industry. And each day, more of us expand our experiences and cross new boundaries. SAG-AFTRA exists to help our members thrive as we move into the future. To do this, we must be focused and prepared to take advantage of every talented staff working under the daily oversight of David White, who played an important role in our successful merger. His thoughtful direction of SAG-AFTRA operations, along with the skilled efforts of our dedicated staff team, protects us on the job and ensures that we receive efficient services and all the benefits of union membership. They too share in the honor, and the obligation, of our place in the family of labor. SAG-AFTRA's new charter belongs to each and every one of us, and we can all make a difference by working together. As Virgil said, "Work conquers all." In unity, Ken Howard