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In Memoriam honors the memory of members whose deaths were reported to SAG-AFTRA between May 22 – July 31, 2012.* ANDY GRIFFITH Richard Colin Adams Maurice Alevy Reynolds Allen Bobby Alto John C. Anders Joanne Anderson Muriel Bach Margaret Bacon Marlene Barr Les Beigel Jodi Bernstein Clement E. Blake James Barry Blakeley Ernest Borgnine Ray Bradbury Ed Brigadier Janet Carroll Brown Phil Buck Frank Cady Edward Call Cris Capen Dee Caruso Ruth Casey T. Ellsworth Clark Frank M. Consolo Ben Davidson Thomas James Davis Richard Dawson John Dewinta Paris Christian Dimoleon Cyrilla Dorn E. Lovell Dyett Harald O. Dyrenforth Ed Ecker Jim Elk Nora Ephron SHERMAN HEMSLEY 5/1/2012 6/4/2012 10/23/2010 4/28/2012 12/1/2011 4/10/2012 5/16/2012 6/12/2012 12/18/1998 7/9/2012 4/15/2012 6/22/2012 5/7/2012 7/8/2012 6/5/2012 2/26/2012 5/22/2012 6/9/2012 6/8/2012 7/2/2012 6/4/2012 5/27/2012 6/28/2012 8/21/2007 6/19/2012 7/2/2012 7/19/2012 6/2/2012 5/20/2012 6/8/2012 5/21/2012 5/29/2012 10/28/2005 7/13/2003 7/13/2012 6/26/2012 Tony Epper Milly Ericson Chad Everett Doris Faye Fred Ford Win Forman Ruth Foster Warren Fox Michael French Kathryn Fuller John W. Gadson II Martha Gallub Pat Galo Conrade Gamble Ken Garcia Don Grady T. Maxwell Graham Marshall G. Grant Andy Griffith Samara Hagopian Joseph M. Hamer Danna Hansen Gardner Hayes Andy Hedden Sherman Hemsley Michael L. Hitchcock Celeste Holm Dolores Hope David Arthur Jarratt W. C. Johns Ken Johnson Kathryn Joosten Michael Ruotolo Joseph Charles Julian Brixton Karnes Joan Karp CELESTE HOLM 7/20/12 12/13/2011 7/25/12 7/3/2012 5/23/2012 5/20/2012 5/11/2012 6/14/2012 4/24/2012 5/24/2012 7/25/2012 3/19/2012 5/23/2012 7/13/2012 6/12/2012 6/27/2012 10/27/2011 8/7/2011 7/3/2012 4/21/2012 10/15/2010 5/21/2012 8/29/2011 5/5/2012 7/24/12 2/1/2009 7/15/2012 9/19/2011 3/21/2012 2/21/2012 6/19/2012 6/2/2012 10/26/2011 4/1/2011 5/16/2012 11/30/2011 *As reported by SAG Pension & Health. Notices received after the deadline will appear in a future publication. 42 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2012 | KATHRYN JOOSTEN Paula Kelly David Kristin Bernie Landis Gary Lasdun James Thomas Lawler Luc C. Leestemaker M.K. Lewis Richard Lynch Arthur Mackey Dorothy Mahoney Joan Mann Ronald Manning Frank Marocco Walter Mathews Lynne Matthew Marilynn Lovell Matz Patricia Medina Simon Mein Loretta Miller Ben Millman Marika Monti Titus Moody George Murdock Pamela Murphy Frank O'Brien Lupe Ontiveros Morgan Paull Richard G. Peabody Jean Perron Richard Rabago Marilyn Raphael Richard Raymond Tony Razzano Robin Reinhardt Bill Kruck Richards Steve Roland LUPE ONTIVEROS 4/26/2012 3/31/2012 4/21/2012 9/29/2005 3/4/2012 5/18/2012 4/20/2012 6/19/2012 5/5/2012 6/22/2012 3/3/2012 6/19/2012 3/03/2012 4/28/2012 6/6/2012 4/13/2012 4/28/2012 2/12/2012 3/20/2012 5/12/2012 5/21/2006 2/6/2001 4/30/2012 5/11/2012 4/25/2012 7/26/2012 7/17/2012 12/27/1999 5/11/2002 5/18/2012 5/15/2012 8/20/2008 3/30/2012 5/25/2012 6/19/2012 4/26/2012 KITTY WELLS Richard Rossomme Joe Russell Ann Rutherford Masami Saito Vidal Sassoon Marion Schnabel Junior Seau Don Sherman Doris Singleton Barbara A. Sloane Jeffery Smith Paul L. Smith Willie Jean Snyder Victor Spinetti Sage Stallone Warren Stanhope Toria Stevens Oliver Stine Albert Szabo Kurt B. Taylor Jr. Jimmy Tedesco Terry Terrill Scott Thomas Shellie Thomas Ginny Tyler Susan Tyrrell Travis Walters Roger Webster Kitty Wells Peggy West Paul Wiley Jody Wilson Yvette Wilson Stan Winston Bill Wohrman C. Lindsay Workman 6/3/2012 5/5/2012 6/11/2012 6/10/2012 5/9/2012 4/6/2012 4/2/2012 5/23/2012 6/26/2012 12/15/2011 7/4/2012 4/25/2012 10/3/2011 6/19/2012 7/13/2012 2/14/2012 12/24/2011 10/11/2011 2/6/1994 6/4/2012 5/12/2012 1/3/2009 6/26/2012 5/12/2012 7/13/2012 6/16/2012 4/24/2012 10/3/2011 7/16/2012 5/20/2012 9/28/1999 5/25/2012 6/14/2012 4/20/2012 5/28/2012 4/24/2012