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FALL 2012 • VOLUME 1 • NO. 2 Features 19 A DAY IN THE LIFE Every day, SAG-AFTRA staff and member volunteers are taking action for the benefit of members. Here's a snapshot of what goes on during an average day at the union. 22 "BY THE WAY, I'M GAY" Attitudes have changed dramatically over the last few decades. Coming out once meant uncertainty for a performer's career, but increasingly, LGBT members are coming out in such a way that it may just be a footnote to their careers. 26 THE REAL ACTION HEROES They crash through 30-story windows, get lit on fire and flip cars. It takes an extraordinary breed of person to take the knocks, falls and punches — and come back for more. 32 FINDING AN AGENT Selecting an agent is a big step for an actor. We've provided some basics to guide members through the process. Departments 6 Co-Presidents' Letters 8 10 Co-Secretary- Treasurers' Letter Executive Vice President's Letter 12 National Executive Director's Letter Follow us on @SAGAFTRA 14 34 On Location 40 Deals & Discounts 42 In Memoriam 64 Snapshot: Fighting Anti-Labor Legislation For Members ACTION ITEMS Look for this symbol throughout the magazine to find out how you can take action. Cover illustration by Yvette Youssefia. Like us on /SAGAFTRA Visit for more news, events and videos. | Fall 2012 | SAG-AFTRA 1 26 19 Ricky Martin performs during the Tony Awards. 22 Performers prepare to get wet on the set of TNT's Southland. The Action Issue A station visit to Philadelphia's WCAU-TV by Local Co-Presidents John Wooten and Catherine Brown and National Executive Director David White. splash! From top: Shelley Figures; CBS Broadcasting Inc.; Doug Hyun/Turner Entertainment Networks Inc.