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A Letter from the National Executive Director DAVID WHITE "We could not manage this growing ship without engaged members and excellent, elected leadership." it reminded him of a multinational enterprise. I agree with this insight and know how easy it is to overlook the incredible range of activities that our members and staff are engaged in each day, to advance the careers and interests of our membership worldwide. Every now and then, it is useful to be A business-minded friend once said to me that SAG-AFTRA has so many moving parts that Dear Member, infographic and you will get a sense of what SAG-AFTRA's elected leaders, members and staff are doing on your behalf. Our work continues to be magnified reminded of this incredibly detailed work that happens each day, in our own offices and in the offices of our industry partners, in broadcast shops and on film and television sets, in conference rooms and on teleconference lines, and in multiple other venues around the country. This "Action Issue" of SAG-AFTRA magazine attempts to do just that — to remind and inform us. In response to questions that we frequently get from members, this issue presents several windows into our organizational activities and services that go on each day, usually well behind the scenes. One feature, "A Day in the Life" (page 19) depicts a snapshot of union activity on a randomly selected date — Aug. 14 — a date that, in almost every way, is like any other. Take a minute to glance over the accompanying 12 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2012 | these days by the intense, operational efforts that we are focused on in each of our newly combined offices. Between the work to assimilate our communications systems and to integrate our database and other technical systems, our staff continues to work overtime with the goal of establishing seamless operations that result in faster, more effective services for you. As will come as no surprise, we are always focused on negotiations. We have had several successes in the area of our broadcast agreements, as our staff and members work collaboratively to detect patterns in the changing work environments of our broadcast members across the country. By the time you receive this, we also will have begun our Wages & Working Conditions process in preparation for our commercials contracts negotiations, which commence in early 2013. The W&W process, which is run by member leaders and driven by member input, will generate our bargaining proposals and shape our negotiation strategy for this demanding bargaining session. SAG-AFTRA as a complex enterprise: We could not manage this growing ship without engaged members and excellent, elected leadership. As much as anything, this issue of the magazine intends to underscore this important fact. We are graced with a truly outstanding leadership team who volunteer their time, energy and insights for the sole purpose of making you, our members, more successful. We have hundreds of elected and appointed member-leaders. Together, they represent a deep well of experience and personal understanding of your careers and the evolving media industries, and they reflect the unique culture and needs of every Local in the country. Without their constant engagement and high performance, we are not as effective and not remotely successful. As staff, we recognize this fact and we thank you for it. All of which leads me back to In unity and looking forward, David P. White