by Gare Cline, Previsualization Artist
Previsualization may often seem like a white elephant in the
room, slumped in the corner, looking forlorn and hoping for
recognition. Few who pass by seem to know what it is (though
there is a minority who insist they know everything about it),
and even fewer really understand what to do with it. Such is
the conundrum of previsualization.
What Is
Above: Autodesk
is one of the
most commonly used
applications to create 3D
animated storyboards.
Its new Bifröst Ocean
Simulation System,
shown here, lets you
create realistic ocean
surfaces with waves,
ripples and wakes,
Below, both pages: A
set of 2D storyboard
frames hand-drawn by
28-year-old Assistant Art
Director ADG Hall of
Fame designer Robert
Boyle in 1938 for (to
the best of his memory)
a 1938 Fritz Lang film
called YOU AND ME.