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P E R S P E C T I V E | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 7 55 Top: A preliminary sketch by Mr. Saklad, executed on onion skin with pens and markers, of God's Blessings Beauty Salon, built onstage. Orange, turquoise, burgundy, grey, beige and rust paints and wallpapers all contributed to the look of Carlotta's salon that stretched through every room of the first floor. The colors had to be fearless to serve this story. Far left: A photograph of the grand but beat-up row of Atlanta houses, c. 1908, that became the hero salon exterior with a total paint job, choice set dressing, new greens work, and artfully naïve murals and sign-painting by Steve Mckean. Hopefully, the audiences haven't noticed that the houses lack a second floor. Left: An aerial previsualization of the Salon Street stage set drawn in SketchUp ® by Carlton Copeland, Joey Feld and Cierra Madison. This high view shows the front porches of the three complete houses that make up the set.