ADG Perspective

May-June 2017

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4 P E R S P E C T I V E | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 7 P E R S P E C T I V E T H E J O U R N A L O F T H E A R T D I R E C T O R S G U I L D M a y / J u n e 2 0 1 7 PERSPECTIVE ISSN: 1935-4371, No. 71, © 2017. Published bimonthly by the Art Directors Guild, Local 800, IATSE, 11969 Ventura Blvd., Second Floor, Studio City, CA 91604-2619. Telephone 818 762 9995. Fax 818 762 9997. Periodicals postage paid at North Hollywood, CA, and at other cities. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Subscriptions: $32 of each Ar t Directors Guild member's annual dues is allocated for a subscription to PERSPECTIVE. Nonmembers may purchase an annual subscription for $40 (overseas postage will be added for foreign subscriptions). Single copies are $8 each. Postmaster: Send address changes to PERSPECTIVE, Ar t Directors Guild, 11969 Ventura Blvd., Second Floor, Studio City, CA 91604-2619. Submissions: Articles, letters, milestones, bulletin board items, etc., should be emailed to the ADG office at or send us a disk, or fax us a typed hard copy, or send us something by snail mail at the address above. Or walk it into the office —we don't care. Website: w w Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in PERSPECTIVE, including those of officers and staff of the ADG and editors of this publication, are solely those of the authors of the material and should not be construed to be in any way the official position of Local 800 or of the IATSE. THE AR T DIR EC TOR S GUILD M E M B E R S HIP INC LU DE S PRODUCTION DESIGNERS, ART DIRECTORS, SCENIC ARTISTS, GRAPHIC ARTISTS, TITLE ARTISTS, ILLUSTRATORS, MATTE ARTISTS, SET DESIGNERS, MODEL MAKERS AND DIGITAL ARTISTS Editor MICHAEL BAUGH Copy Editor MIKE CHAPMAN Print Production INGLE DODD MEDIA 310 207 4410 Advertising 310 207 4410 Publicity RICK MARKOVITZ Weissman/Markovitz Communications 818 760 8995 MARTIN KLINE, Trustee CATE BANGS, Trustee CHUCK PARKER, Executive Director dooner, Associate Executive Director NELSON COATES, President JIM WALLIS, Vice President TOM WILKINS, Secretary OANA B. MILLER, Treasurer KRISTEN DAVIS MIMI GRAMATKY MARCIA HINDS ELLEN KING ALAN KOBAYASHI JOHN MOFFITT JOEL COHEN, Trustee DAWN SNYDER, Trustee JOSEPH MUSSO RICK NICHOL ERIC ROSENBERG JACK TAYLOR, JR. THOMAS TAYLOR TIM WILCOX

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