ADG Perspective

May-June 2017

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P E R S P E C T I V E | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 7 37 EXCELLENCE IN PRODUCTION DESIGN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS RENÉ LAGLER PRODUCTION DESIGNER ALBERT OBREGON SCENIC ARTIST JOSEPH MUSSO ILLUSTRATOR CATE BANGS SET DESIGNER OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO CINEMATIC IMAGERY AWARD BRAD BIRD Top, left: Brad Bird with presenter Jim Bissell. Top, right: Short clips were shown from an oral history Gene Allen had taped a few years ago. Clockwise from far left: Presenter Lighting Designer/Cinematographer Bob Barnhart with René Lagler. Albert Obregon with presenter Scenic Artist Ed Martinez. Presenter Production Designer Barry Robison with Cate Bangs. Presenter Production Designer Jack DeGovia with Joseph Musso. ADG HALL OF FAME GENE ALLEN 1918 – 2015

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