Whole Life Magazine

April / May 2017

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On their debut album, Boulder, Colo.-based Kirtan musicians Katie Wise & Bhakti Explosion wisely utilize other masters of meditative music to pitch in, like Ben Leinbach (Miten) as producer and Grammy-nominee Jai Uttal offering up supporting vocals. The result is Lovolution, an impressive and polished debut garnering positive notices from yoga publications and helping the group book gigs across the country. Lovolution opens with a meditative and lush—if somewhat expected—mantra song: "Jai Ganesha Om." Wise and her group then take an unexpected turn on the next cut, "Guru Groove," gravitating to what sounds like a rollicking '90s pop tune; something between Madonna's heavy-breathing trip-hop hit "Erotica" to the other-worldly light electronica of Enigma. There is certainly a pop and light rock sensibility that runs through Lovolution, which translates to a more accessible album for newcomers to mantra music. Three songs infuse uplifting meditative tunes with covers of classics from David Crosby ("Music Is Love") and Van Morrison ("Into the Mystic"), as well as a lovely cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah." Then there are tunes like "Hey Ma Durga" and "Hari Om" that walk the fi ne line between radio-friendly music and esoteric chanting; songs that could seamlessly accompany a yoga session or contemplative stroll. The album closes with the stirring "Lokha Love" and its memorable chorus: "Everybody is saying music is love." After listening to Lovolution, you'll think everyone was right. (Bhakti Mama Music.) — Neal Broverman Lovolution MUSIC art & soul L ooking to kick your meditation or yoga practice into high gear? Stevin McNamara's recently released album, Savasana Yoga Music, will provide the motivation and soundtrack. With 20 tracks spanning over two hours, the album takes you through an entire day's journey of mindfulness, beginning with sunrise and waking, moving to dawn and day, and ending with sunset, evening, and late night. Bells and chimes at the beginning of the songs indicate the passage of time; it's the aural opposite of a jarring alarm clock or cell phone. The calming instrumental collection is rightfully being embraced by yoga publications, but it's also a perfect complement to massages, meditation sessions, and the hours before bedtime. In fact, Savasana is a reference to what some call the "corpse pose"; the position where yogis lay fl at on their back, typically at the end of a grueling session. South African-born McNamara describes himself as a "string yogi" (aka "a musician who uses string instruments as a vehicle for yoga") and has been making music to accompany the ancient practice since the 1970s. Trained at the respected Berklee School of Music, McNamara has serious credentials that belie his blissful, ethereal sounds; as an engineer, musician, and composer, McNamara has worked with everyone from Bryan Adams to Tina Turner. Don't look for any pop smashes on Savasana Yoga Music, though; instead just clear your mind and let that tranquility wash all over you. (White Swan Records) — NB Stevin McNamara Savasana Yoga Music MUSIC Katie Wise & Bhakti Explosion april/may 2017 35

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