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B E S T C O N T E M P O R A R Y H A I R S T Y L I N G LA LA LAND Barbara Lorenz, Jackie Masteran, Frida Aradottir NOCTURNAL ANIMALS Yolanda Toussieng, Jules Holdren SULLY Patricia Dehaney, Jose Zamora THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN Alan D'Angerio ZOOLANDER 2 Aldo Signoretti Nominees were announced for the 2017 Make- Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Awards in 23 categories. The awards honor the outstanding achievements of make-up artists and hair styl- ists in motion pictures, television, commercials and live theater. Winners will be revealed dur- ing the black-tie annual MUAHS Guild Awards ceremony on Sunday, February 19, 2017, at The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Live. Ryan Murphy, four-time Emmy ® Award-winning producer, director and screenwriter, will receive this year's Distinguished Artisan Award. Emmy- nominated make-up artist Leonard Engelman and Oscar ®- and Emmy-nominated hair styl- ist Barbara Lorenz, will receive the Guild's Lifetime Achievement Awards. MAKE-UP ARTISTS & HAIR ST YLISTS GUILD 2017 AWARD NOMINEES CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Karen McDonald, Akemi Hart LA LA LAND Torsten Witte, Angel Radefeld-Wright MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Liz Bernstrom, Sherryn Smith NOCTURNAL ANIMALS Donald Mowat, Malanie J. Romero, Elaine Offers ZOOLANDER 2 Maurizio Silvi B E S T C O N T E M P O R A R Y M A K E - U P F E A T U R E - L E N G T H M O T I O N P I C T U R E LOCAL 706 RECOGNIZES 2017 OSCAR ® NOMINEES MAKEUP & HAIR STAR TREK Joel Harlow Richard Alonzo SUICIDE SQUAD Christopher Nelson 2017 BAFTA NOMINEES MAKEUP & HAIR DOCTOR STRANGE Jeremy Woodhead FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS J. Roy Helland Daniel Phillips HACKSAW RIDGE Shane Thomas NOCTURNAL ANIMALS Donald Mowat, Yolanda Toussieng