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Azusa Pacific University SCHOOL OF EDUCATION around California. The erosion of class reduction programs has hurt all students, with class sizes rising to as large as 40 in some districts, the study says. Minority students and those from families living below the poverty line have been espe- cially harmed by the swelling class sizes. As the Educator went to press, the budget bill was on the governor's desk, and lawmakers were in the process of finaliz- ing a handful of technical implementation measures related to the spending plan. Among them were bills that would autho- rize school districts to bargain reductions of three weeks in the academic year for 2012-13 and 2013-14. The governor had until June 30 to make any reductions in the spending plan and sign it into law. By Len Feldman Ken LaVigne, M.A. '86 La Serna High School 2012 California Teacher of the Year Earn your degree from a university known for excellence in education. YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE GO TO Super Reward Checking! It's super. It's rewarding. It pays. And it's always FREE. It's Super Reward Checking at Provident. n No debit card fees and no monthly fees n ATM fee rebates1 n No minimum balance n FREE online and mobile banking n Zero liability fraud protection guarantee2 Balance $0.01 - $25,000 $25,001 and over Requirements not met Endorsed by: APY* 2.26% 0.21% 0% 3 simple requirements to receive the rewards:3 1) 10 Visa® 2) 1 direct deposit or automatic debit/credit per statement cycle transactions per statement cycle 3) Receive e-Documents (877) 728-8472 / the other institution, up to $2.50 per transaction. 2) Provident accounts come with our special zero liability fraud protection guarantee that re- imburses you 100% for any unauthorized electronic transactions. You are automatically covered when you report the incident promptly and meet your responsibilities for handling your account. For more informa- tion, visit 3) These are the requirements to receive 2.26% APY on balances up to $25,000, 0.21% APY on balances beyond the first $25,000, and ATM rebates. If the 3 requirements are not met in their entirety, the APY will be 0% and no ATM rebates will be issued for that statement cycle. The minimum deposit required to open this Account is $25. To qualify you must also be a member, 18 or older. Limit three Super Reward Checking accounts per membership. IMPOR- TANT: All transactions must be posted within the statement cycle which begins on the last business day of the previous month and ends on the second to last business day of the current month. * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is effective as of May 1, 2012 and may change anytime. 1) Provident will rebate nationwide ATM surcharges imposed by debit card Azusa Pacific has a reputation for consistently producing innovative and comprehensively prepared educators. Our graduates serve as teachers, counselors, coaches, and administrators throughout Southern California, and are known in their schools and districts as leaders in their field. Choose from more than 60 credential and degree options at APU, including a bachelor's degree completion program in liberal studies, and join a 113-year legacy of excellence in education. Programs start throughout the year. Contact us today! (626) 815-4570 12629 AZUSA | HIGH DESERT | INLAND EMPIRE | LOS ANGELES | MURRIETA ORANGE COUNTY | SAN DIEGO | VENTURA COUNTY | ONLINE © 6/12/12 PCU June/July 2012 41