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TAKING A STAND Presidents Lobby Day State budget Bargaining updates ...............................................................................................38 ...........................................................................................................40 ..................................................................................................42 A day at the Capitol with CTA leaders THIS IS WHAT a journal entry might look like if it were writ- ten by one of the local chapter leaders who came to Sacramento to participate in Presidents Lobby Day. May 22, 2012 I was among over 200 educators from across California to attend CTA's Presidents Lobby Day in Sacramento — we educated lawmakers about the impact of funding cuts on our students and classrooms. We urged lawmakers to stave off any additional reductions, to de- feat legislation that would harm schools and students, and to avoid changes in the state's retirement system that would undermine Cali- fornia's ability to attract and keep its highly qualified force of educa- tional professionals. The morning started with a meeting of the chapter leaders. CTA President Dean Vogel stressed the importance of advocacy. He said that we, as classroom experts, can best tell lawmakers what is hap- pening in our schools. Then we went to meet lawmakers. Here's a photo of United Edu- cators of San Francisco President Dennis Kelly, CTA Board member Curtis Washington, and UESF Vice President Linda Plack during a meeting with members of a legislator's staff. Just after lunch, CTA Board member Theresa Montaño, NEA Director Sonia Martin-Solis, CTA Board member David Goldberg, CTA Board member Mary Rose Ortega, NEA Director Sue Cirillo, CTA Board member Tyrone Cabell, and UTLA Secondary Vice President Gregg Solkovits prepared to meet with Sen. Alex 38 California Educator June/July 2012