The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2012

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contents PANE L | June 2012 Vol. 70 No. 6 COVER STORY 50 LIQUID TREASURE Captain Morgan Black Sails into Uncharted Waters SPECIAL SECTION 70 RESULTS OF THE WSWA WINE & SPIRITS COMPETITIONS UP FRONT 4 A DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY Jordan Vineyard & Winery Uncorks a Star-Studded 40th Birthday 116 THE UNDISCOVERED BURGUNDY Revelations from a Dynamic Week of Tastings DEPARTMENTS 10 Industry Spotlight 16 Brief Encounters 22 Steven Spurrier's Letter from London 24 Alternative Beverages & More 26 Scotch Report 28 San Fran Insider 30 New York Sip 32 A Lone Star Life 34 Sipped & Scene 35 Distribution 36 What We're Drinking 37 On-Premise Patter 38 Marketing 40 What's New 42 Rum Cocktails at Tales 44 Merrill Shindler's Word of Mouth 46 In the Biz 54 Glassware 60 Blue Reviews 64 Publisher's Picks 76 Category Report: Tequila 79 Wine Bars 82 White Wines for Summer 90 Mixology: Joe Brooke 94 Winery Focus: Lafond 102 Trendsetters 108 Pairing:Watermarc 114 Manhattan Cocktail Classic 118 Bartending Competition 116 FEATURES 55 PSSST . . . PASS IT ON Beam Inc.'s Spirits Confi dential Comes to Scottsdale 58 SKETCHES OF SPAIN We Discover New Offerings at the Annual Spanish Wine Cellar 66 SAKÉ RAINBOW Good Advice for a Well-Rounded Beverage Program 80 COLLEGE GRIND The illy Università del Caffè Infuses New Passion into Restaurant Coffee Programs 91 SEND IN THE CLONES Celebrating 100 Years of Chardonnay with Wente Vineyards 96 A GLOBAL TOUR DU RHÔNE The Tasting Panel Reports from Hospice du Rhône in Paso Robles 104 AMBASSADOR'S CRAFT Retro Rum: Two Brand Ambassadors Who Serve the Sailor 110 YOU SAY ROSÉ, THEY SAY ROSADO Changes in the Rioja Landscape Lead to an Explosion of Great Dry Rosès june 2012 / the tasting panel / 9 PHOTO: DEBORAH PARKER WONG TH E

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