CAS Quarterly

Spring 2016

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10 S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 C A S Q U A R T E R L Y The Aaton Cantar X3 was in town, featuring 24-track recording, 56 ana- log and digital inputs and 52 outputs (thanks to Dante). It can record simultaneously to four media desti- nations and has a ten-channel mixer built in. The routing and flexibility are mind-boggling. SKB had a couple of interesting cases. The 1SKB-R102 that fits a rack mount mixer with a riser rack and sits on the 1SKB-R1906, a larg- er rack case on wheels. Another, the 3i-2011-7B-TR, looks like a utility sound person's dream or nightmare, depending on how you work. ZAXCOM had several new prod- ucts at the show, beginning with the just-announced Deva 24. It will record 24 tracks, has eight mic pres, 16 analog and 16 AES inputs, with a very Deva-like feel to the user interface. The front panel is detatchable, for backpack work or flexible cart options. The compan- ion Mix-16 will have an option for Dante-AES converters. There was the TRXFB3 TRX transmitter with improved 2.4 GHz receiver for talent IFB all in one box, which looks like it could see a lot of use in news applications. The new Zaxcom HD transmitters were on display, which allow for up to ten wireless channels in 1 MHz of spectrum. The new modulation scheme works with existing receivers in single-channel mode (for now) at five channels per MHz and results in a significant increase in range as well. Freefly heat-mounted controller 1 Remote Audio ALEXA Mini Freefly heat-mounted controller 2 Azden wireless Remote Audio bells Remote Audio batteries SD688 RX scan SD688 RX status

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