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THE MESSAGE Brief Encounters Whether THE TASTING PANEL goes to the brand execs or the brands call us, there is an abundance of news to report, from the latest releases to behind-the-scenes experiences with some of the world's most influential importers, winemakers, distillers . . . well, you name it. We may not have enough pages in each issue to devote as much attention as we would like to each person whose path we cross, but please note that if it's in the publication, we deem it noteworthy. —Meridith May, Publisher & Editorial Director W hat does a distillery do to celebrate its 325th anniversary? There aren't many that reach that kind of milestone. Not so for the Nolet family. Holland's oldest distillers started making genever in 1691, then segued into gin, and in 1983, under the tutelage of tenth-generation distiller Carlolus H.J.Nolet and his eleventh-generation sons, Carl, Jr. and younger brother Bob, introduced a crisp, soft European winter wheat vodka that com- bined copper pot and column distillations. Named after the Nolet's coal-fired copper pot still, Distilleerketel #1, Ketel One has become an international best-selling vodka. To kick off a celebration that will culminate in Schiedam in May 2016, the Nolets will be launching a film on, along with other social media venues, and have introduced a special 325th Anniversary Ketel One limited-edition bottle. Inspired by traditional Dutch designs and dressed in copper matte plating, coins representing the Nolet's first ten generations decorate the sides, while for the first time, signatures of Carl, Jr. and Bob Nolet appear on the back label. The one liter bottle is priced at $32.49. Asked whether a special vodka was produced for this commemorative bottle, Carl Jr. replied, "The bottle contains Ketel One, because it's the best vodka we know how to make." —Richard Carleton Hacker Celebrating Milestones Carl Nolet Jr., Carolus Nolet Sr. and Bob Nolet toasting at the Nolet Family Distillery gates. 20 / the tasting panel / january-february 2016