The Tasting Panel magazine

Jan 2010

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dEparTmEnT Header 84 / the tasting panel / january–february 2010 W e as an industry are missing something, and because of our lack of attention to this missing component, most people have lowered their expectations of us as a whole. What is it? You feel it when it's present, and you no- tice when it's not. It's often hard to describe. You may wonder how to encourage it in your team. When you frequent a restaurant with average food, drink and décor, it's be- cause of this. When you avoid a restaurant with exceptional meals, cocktails and ambi- ance it's because this was missing. What's missing is hospitality—the caring, warm, attentive and welcoming feeling shown by a team of hosts toward their guests. It seems obvious, right? It is, but hospitality, or the "spirit" of your service, can be mystifying. Because hos- pitality can be so mysterious, many teams spend the majority of their time focusing on food, beverage and the mechanics of ser- vice, while they leave hospitality to chance. However, hospitality is everything. Your guests feel it or they don't, and that feeling affects their experience of all aspects of your business. We celebrate food. We celebrate cocktails. Isn't it time we celebrate people? There are many reasons to celebrate people, and if you're a business owner, one reason stands out. Food and cocktails aren't the source of revenue. People are. I encourage you to renew your commit- ment to hospitality. In the months to come, I will be writing about the host/guest rela- tionship, how to nurture it and what it can mean for you and your business. There are defi nitely challenges related to this unique relationship. The good news is that there are also solutions to those challenges. When the nature of your hospitality catches up to the quality of your food and beverage everyone will win. Eric Davison's Spirit of Service program is designed to complement existing training programs on-premise by empowering your team with proven tools and techniques to execute your standards and procedures. For more information, contact Info@Spirit-of-Ser- or call 323-273-0097. THE sPIRIt OF SERVICE redefi ning hospitality Eric Davison has developed a syllabus to elevate service levels in the hospital- ity industry. by Eric Davison There are many reasons to cele- brate people, and if you're a busi- ness owner one reason stands out. Food and cocktails aren't the source of rev- enue. people are." There are many reasons to cele- brate people, and if you're a busi- There are many reasons to cele- brate people, and if you're a busi-

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