The Tasting Panel magazine

Jan 2010

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60 / the tasting panel / january–february 2010 WhaT We'Re drInkIng The Mule's new kick The CLassiC MosCoW MuLe CoCkTaiL goes auThenTiC WiTh ruSSIan Standard, Russia's #1 PReMiuM VoDka In the 1940s, a new cock- tail took Hollywood by storm. Introduced at the celebrity-stud- ded Cock 'n Bull restaurant on Sunset Boulevard, the Moscow Mule—a tasty concoction of vodka, ginger beer and lime, served in a copper mug—be- came the most talked-about drink of the decade. Today, the craze for classic cocktails means that the Mule is back. But this time around, it brays with a real Rus- sian accent because it's made with authentic vodka from the Motherland: Russian Standard, the #1 premium vodka in Russia. THE TASTING PANEL recently visited accounts in Los Angeles and San Francisco where this classic cocktail is putting the kick back into cocktails.

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