ADG Perspective

January-February 2016

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96 P E R S P E C T I V E | J A N UA RY / F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 6 Top: Construction of the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities 19th floor office set on the TV-24 Stage at ABC Studios in New York. Above: A floor plan of the 19th floor set, drawn by Assistant Art Director Barbara Matis. Staying loyal to the spatial relationships between the Madoff offices and the conference room was very important. It was equally important to convey the gentle curve of the Lipstick Building's exterior window-wall. Trying to pull all this off on a 71 x 116 foot stage was a game of inches forcing the set walls to be pushed all the way up to the fire lanes. The trading floor would have to be a set extension.

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