Local 706 - The Artisan

Fall 2015

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48 pre-bear attack look, Iñárritu wanted Glass' "Woodsman look" reflected in Leo's appearance. In preparation for the role, Leo had grown his hair long and was sporting a full, bushy beard similar to that of Glass'. I weathered Leo's skin by breaking down the texture with mottled colours of brown and red. I then added some thread veins and old scars. Iñárritu wanted some grey in Leo's beard to age him slightly so I painted Mathew Mungle's hair colour in four different shades onto individual hairs. Glass' story in the film begins at the end of a yearlong hunting expedition collecting animal pelts, so Leo's hair needed to look like it had not been washed in months. Kathy began testing products that would dirty Leo's hair as well as withstand -20° temperatures. Kathy tried many prod- ucts, with each test culminating in a swatch being placed in a freezer to see how the hair and product withstood the extreme cold. After many tests, Kathy finally chose a mixture of glycerin and water sprayed in the hair and then dried thoroughly. This left Leo's hair limp and greasy-looking. On occasion, some dirt was also added to Leo's hair to give it a little more texture and to dull it down. At the start of filming, we were advised that shots would be filmed in chronological order and there would be no need for wigs for Leo, only for the doubles. However, as we know filmmaking is unpredictable so Kathy thought it prudent to have some wigs and hairpieces standing by. Sure enough, the wigs were needed as filming was forced to go back-and-forth in the script due to the extreme weather, Leo's hair style was reversed back to that at the start of the film on several occasions. A lot of dirt was used for Leo's appearance. For his face, I used KY-Jelly dabbed onto the skin with Dirtworks Powders patted over the top using the Dirtworks Dirt Bag. On Leo's hands and under his fingernails, I used Maekup Dropper Dirt. This proved very successful in staying on Leo's skin in the snow and beneath his gloves. Chris Lyons at Fangs FX made teeth to change the shape of Leo's mouth. The teeth had a crooked appearance appropriate to the period. In some scenes, Leo wore contact lenses and a nose augmenter was used to change the shape of Leo's face further. For the wounds from the bear attack we produced several cuts and splits to apply to Leo's face, the larger ones were made from silicone, whilst the smaller ones were produced from PTM paste. A large deep cut was made for Leo's head which meant I had to lay hair over the silicone piece up to the wound in order for us to blend it in to Leo's own natu- ral hair. A silicone neck appliance was used that could bleed and bubble from several points. Wig lace was laid inside the appliance so it could be stitched together. We created a full overlapping chest and back piece from the life castings; the chest was fully hair punched and the back had several tubes running inside to the exposed rib sections that needed to bleed. A shoulder piece that bled and needed to be stitchable was created along with a right, fully hair punched, forearm appliance and several individual hand prosthetics. We also made a strap on right leg from the knee down. The leg

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