ADG Perspective

November-December 2015

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P E R S P E C T I V E | N OV E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 35 "Restless, moving…on the edge…they think their world is limitless…the lure of power…and beware of Ronnie's smile." Apparently, Ronnie Kray smiling would be a warning to the rest of the Firm (as the Krays' gang were known) that he was about to have a psychotic episode. These were some of the discussions I had with Brian Helgeland about Legend. I had read the unexpectedly lyrical script in one go, during a hot sweaty night on a set in Puerto Rico and was instantly transported to the brutal, cold, but fascinating 1960s London of the Kray twins' criminal empire. Above: Concept Artist Elo Soode's atmospheric concept sketch of Market Street also acted as a guide for visual effects extensions. For this scene where Reggie persuades Frances to return, a whole East London street was painted, treated and dressed. The Art Department used the names of many of their Jewish friends because East London shops of the time had a large percentage of Jewish owners, dating back to the 19th century.

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