P E R S P E C T I V E | N OV E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
Opposite page: A production photograph of the studio set for Mel's third-
story observatory, the kid's main hangout. This page top, left and right:
Set stills showing two angles on Mel's observatory, with its hand-tinted
wallpaper. Center, left: Yvonne Garnier-Hackl's Vectorworks
plan of
the elevated Mel's observatory set, first rendered in SketchUp.
Right: An
inspiration board, and a separate color, wallpaper and wood-detail mood
board, both created for the observatory set by Ms. Andrews using Keynote
for iOS. Left: Ranger, Mel and Gortimer peer outside the observatory's bay
window, double-faced on stage near Echo Park in Los Angeles.
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