ADG Perspective

November-December 2015

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P E R S P E C T I V E | N OV E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 33 The real challenge of The Martian was to combine the latest design software with cutting- edge hardware technology, not forgetting traditional skills, in order to bring this complex story to life within a very ambitious schedule and carefully controlled budget. I would like to offer my personal thanks to all the Art Department, construction, costume, special effects, locations and visual effects crews whose dedication and unending hard work so brilliantly met this challenge, and created a totally convincing inspiring future world. A very special thank you, too, to the real rocket scientists: NASA's Bert Ulrich, James Green, Bret Drake, Rob Manning and ESA's Rudi Schmidt, for all their invaluable support and advice bringing the highly technical world of The Martian to realization. ADG Arthur Max, Production Designer Marc Homes, Supervising Art Director Robert Cowper, Mónika Esztán, Oliver Hodge, Jason Knox-Johnston, László Rajk, Phil Sims, Stefan Speth, Matt Wynne, Art Directors Samy Keilani, Co-Art Director Huw Arthur, Stand-by Art Director Felicity Hickson, Motion Graphics Art Director Jonathan Houlding, Art Director: Set Decoration Shira Hockman, Rhys Ifan, Will Newton, Annamária Orosz, Gergely Rieger, Matt Sims, Assistant Art Directors Kamen Anev, Lee Oliver, Concept Artists Stephen Burg, Jaime Jones, Steven Messing, Illustrators Neil Floyd, Graphic Artist Peter Eszenyi, Sam Hart, David Hicks, Daniel Højlund, Martí Romances, Screen Graphics Andrea Borland, Sarah Ginn, Senior Draughtspersons Petra Balogh, Alex Bowens, Orsolya Maza, Gergely Álmos, Draftspersons Judit Bozsik, Bence Kalmár, Alina Papp, Miklos Selmeczy, Junior Draftspersons Zita Galántai, Attila Illés, Dániel Miklós, Model Makers Gábor Szabó, Digital Modeler/Set Designer Attila Ferenczi, 3D Modeler Steve Dring, Senior Vehicle CAD Modeler Tracey Wilson, Storyboard Artist Celia Bobak SDSA, Zoltán Horváth, Set Decorators Left, main image: A drawing for the final version of NASA Mission Control, drawn by Art Department Assistant Luke Edwards. Inset: A location photograph of the "Whale" convention center space in downtown Budapest. Opposite page, center: The finished set featured a huge bank of LED display walls with digital motion graphics. Digital graphic designs were developed by motion graphics Art Director Felicity Hickson to play back on over eighty custom- built Mission Control technicians' workstations. Bottom: A NASA rover workshop was built into a warehouse on the 1970s era Hungexpo grounds, with a duplicate vehicle where technicians could test out repair strategies on Earth. This page, center: Additional spacecraft, painstakingly matching the real Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner 1996 probes, were built by the film's propmakers.

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