Fall 2015

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T I M E S C H A N G E . CO U R AG E I S F O R E V E R . BRYAN CRANSTON ELLE FANNING JOHN GOODMAN HELEN MIRREN DIANE LANE MICHAEL STUHLBARG LOUIS C.K. FO R YO U R CO N S I D E R AT I O N I N A L L C AT EG O R I E S I N C LU D I N G BEST PICTURE BEST CAST " A TERRIFIC ENSEMBLE. " NIKOLA GROZDANOVIC, THE PLAYLIST "Directed by Jay Roach, 'Trumbo' superbly re-creates the political paranoia that gave rise to the congressional witch hunts. Bryan Cranston is extraordinary." PETER BART, VARIETY "The entire cast is aces. A screen triumph for all involved. One of the year's must-see pictures." PETE HAMMOND, DEADLINE

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