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October 2015

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SOUND LIBRARIES 10 POST OCTOBER 2015 MUSIC 2 HUES RELEASES 'PROGRESSIVE PIANO' ENFIELD, CT — Music 2 Hues (, supplier of production music & sound effects to the film, video, animation and multimedia industries, has just added a royalty-free title to its Flagship Series of production music. The title, Progressive Piano, is now shipping worldwide and can be downloaded in .mp3 and .wav file formats. "Progressive Piano is a collection of smooth and progressive piano tracks that will help keep your productions moving forward without overpowering," says Andy Wells, creative director of Music 2 Hues. He continues that they are "upbeat and flowing tracks that are perfect for videos, multimedia, podcasts, animations, Websites and more." The company's new, updated music download center offers the ability to purchase individual tracks from its current Flagship Series titles, or entire categories in either .mp3 or .wav formats. For one price, users will get all the edited versions of any one music track, including the full-length theme, and any :30 and :60 versions when avail- able. New production music will be added monthly. FIRSTCOM MUSIC'S GOTHAM MUSIC LIBRARY CELEBRATES 25 YEARS DALLAS — Gotham Music Library, a production music library designed by music direc- tors for music directors, will celebrate its 25th anniversary as part of FirstCom Music ( with the unveiling of a new logo and the release of upcoming new albums. Created by FirstCom Music and renowned music director Emanuel "Manny" Kallins, Gotham Music Library teams Emmy award-winning composers and New York musicians to create a signature sound that has been used in film, TV, trailers and other media pro- ductions. Today, the Gotham Music catalog is a source for such programs as The Today Show, Dancing with the Stars, Access Hollywood, American Idol and more. For the anniversary, FirstCom has unveiled a new logo for the brand. Among the first albums to be released are Inspiring Sports Rock and Glam Squad. SOUNDDOGS RELEASES SOUNDELUX/TODD-AO SOUND EFFECTS LIBRARY MARINA DEL REY, CA — In November 2014, Sounddogs. com ( acquired the Soundelux and Todd- AO trademarks, along with an enormous sound effects library. Now, is making individual sound effects available for download, as well as offering industry pros the opportunity to access and purchase the entire library. "The Soundelux sound effects library is absolutely the most comprehensive working collection of cataloged sounds ever assembled," says Wylie Stateman, Soundelux co-founder. "It is comforting to know that my friend Rob Nokes will preside over and continue the legacy of the Soundelux library." What had been collectively known as Todd Soundelux — one of the industry's leading audio post houses — it was recognized for bringing a comprehensive level of audio expertise and service in sound editorial, sound supervision, and sound design for more than 60 years for motion pictures and television in Hollywood. In fact, the company had earned many of the industry's highest honors, garnering 23 Academy Awards, 5 BAFTAs, 35 Emmys and numerous CAS nominations and wins. Credits include such feature films and TV shows as Skyfall, Game of Thrones, Fast & Furious, Iron Man, CSI, Django Un- chained, Drive, Unstoppable, Inglourious Basterds, Star Trek, Wanted, The Bourne Ultimatum, Memoirs of a Geisha, Ray, Kill Bill, The Perfect Storm and The Sopranos. Individual Soundelux/Todd-AO sound effects are now available via download on a limited basis at: The entire Soundelux/Todd-AO library is offered exclusively for sale & licensing at 323-363-4740 or LA FILM SCHOOL PARTNERS WITH XHAIL MUSIC LICENSING PLATFORM HOLLYWOOD — The Los Angeles Film School ( is entering into a partnership with Irish technology startup Xhail (, currently in beta, to give students access to an affordable software for scoring their student film projects. The partnership will give students low-cost entry to the entirely cloud-based platform while also providing Xhail a means to test its software in preparation for the product's upcoming launch. This is the first global partnership between Xhail and an educa- tional institution to date. In the past filmmakers had to either hire a composer or search through thousands of tracks available in a music library to score their work. Xhail's cloud-based software will offer another choice. Xhail is comprised of customizable, musician-composed tracks that can be tailored to each project. The Xhail software has been used to score projects like the upcoming documentary, Rampage Legend Cam Zink's Life on the Edge by filmmaker Ryan Cleek.

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