The Tasting Panel magazine

July 2015

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Shake up your summer and mingle with thousands of people at the SEVENTH San Diego Spirits Festival held each year at the picturesque Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier. The largest Cocktail and Culinary Festival in San Diego offering samples of top- shelf cocktails from small-batch and big name distillers, and tastes from local restaurants as top local chefs are set to show off their style and offer tastes of their wares, in celebration of the city's cocktail & culinary culture. The festival also offers live music, risqué entertainment, bartender competitions, grand tastings, mini seminars and even possible celebrity sightings, it's a multi-faceted festival which will appeal to the novice cocktail lover, culinary enthusiast, fashionista and even the experienced Mixology professional. SAVE $20 ON TICKETS San Diego Spirits Festival Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier 1000 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown August 22 - 23, 2015 SEVENTH ANNUAL use Promo code COCKTAILS Shake up your summer and mingle with thousands of people at the SEVENTH San Diego Spirits Festival held each year at the picturesque Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier. The largest Cocktail and Culinary Festival in San Diego offering samples of top- shelf cocktails from small-batch and big name distillers, and tastes from local restaurants as top local chefs are set to show off their style and offer tastes of their wares, in celebration of the city's cocktail & culinary culture. The festival also offers live music, risqué entertainment, bartender competitions, grand tastings, mini seminars and even possible celebrity sightings, it's a multi-faceted festival which will appeal to the novice cocktail lover, culinary enthusiast, fashionista and even the experienced Mixology professional. SAVE $20 ON TICKETS San Diego Spirits Festival Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier 1000 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown August 22 - 23, 2015 SEVENTH ANNUAL use Promo code COCKTAILS

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