The Tasting Panel magazine

July 2015

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14  /  the tasting panel  /  july 2015 THE MESSAGE 14  /  the tasting panel  /  july 2015 Brief Encounters Whether THE TASTING PANEL goes to the brand execs or the brands call us, there is an abundance of news to report, from the latest releases to behind-the-scenes experiences with some of the world's most influential importers, winemakers, distillers . . . well, you name it. We may not have enough pages in each issue to devote as much attention as we would like to each person whose path we cross, but please note that if it's in the publication, we deem it noteworthy. —Meridith May, Publisher & Editorial Director THE MESSAGE Mixologist Willy Shine worked with VEEV Spirits at Lost Property in Los Angeles, CA. PHOTO COURTESY OF VEEV SPIRITS VEEV Spirits Shines A s part of VEEV Spirits' quest to introduce bartend- ers to VEEV 2.0, a reincarnation of the açaí spirit that's been around since 2007, mixologist Willy Shine and VEEV Spirits came to Lost Property in Los Angeles to show off what the new reformulated spirit can do. While Shine and the other bartenders cheer as they do shots of VEEV and ham it up in front of the camera, Jorge Llauro, VEEV's Marketing Director, explained to us what was so special about version 2.0: "We reformulated VEEV from 60- to 70-proof, chang- ing it from a liqueur to liquor; we want to position it as a better alternative to vodka." When I ask if it was Shine's idea to reinvent the brand, Shine leans over and grins, "I wouldn't say it was my idea, but I'd like to think I was an integral part of it." Shine is on a mission in bars across the U.S. to show bartenders how easily VEEV 2.0 works in cocktails. "VEEV tastes amazing neat, but I also want to show people how its açaí flavor is a great starting point for many cocktails, much better than a bland spirit like vodka." To showcase how great a base VEEV 2.0 is, he's created three new cocktails for the tour: Shine On (You Crazy Diamond), Turn of the Century (a play on a Martinez) and Medford Firing Squad. They all highlight VEEV's açaí flavor, without allowing it to overpower the drink. Shine explains, "The versatility of VEEV means that it can be used as a replacement for not just vodka, but also gin and other spirits. The possibilities are endless."—Jesse Hom-Dawson

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