Fall 2014

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42 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2014 | from around the country to discuss and decide on items vital to the future of the union. The convention includes the nomination and election of the executive and national vice presidents and consideration of constitutional amendments and resolutions proposed by the National Board, locals and member delegates. Social events include a welcome reception by the hosting local and a National Convention Celebration and Gold Card and American Scene Awards, which honors the realistic portrayals of the American Scene through employment of the diverse union membership. NATIONAL BOARD The general management, direction and control of the affairs, funds and properties of the union are vested in the National Los Angeles San Francisco- Northern California Seattle Portland Colorado Twin Cities Arizona-Utah New Mexico San Diego Hawaii Miami NewEngland Washington-Mid Atlantic Philadelphia Michigan New Orleans Nashville Missouri Valley Chicago Atlanta Houston-Austin Dallas-Fort Worth Nevada Ohio-Pittsburgh New York S AG-AFTRA represents actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other entertainment and media professionals. SAG-AFTRA members are the faces and voices that entertain and inform America and the world. What makes the union work is member involvement. "I talk often with our members across the country," said SAG-AFTRA President Ken Howard. "They are passionate, tenacious, creative, fearless and enterprising people, and when they get engaged, they bring those qualities to the union. Their individual perspectives, expertise and experience are our union's driving force and are the reason for all our successes." The governance structure of SAG-AFTRA is comprised of a biennial convention, National Board, Executive Committee, 25 local boards and national and local committees all populated by SAG-AFTRA members. CONVENTION The biennial convention brings together hundreds of member delegates, including national officers, National Board members, local presidents and members SAG-AFTRA Locals To find out more about your local, visit How Your Union Governance Works

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