The Tasting Panel magazine

November 2014

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64  /  the tasting panel  /  november 2014 COVER STORY Best-Kept Uncovering Napa's JOSEPH CARR 'S NÉGOCIANT MODEL MAKES NAPA ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE state wineries may be the norm in Napa Valley, but one man has a different model—one that makes outstanding Napa quality accessible to everyone at non-Napa prices. That man is Joseph Carr. After ten years serving as a world-class sommelier and another decade as an international industry executive, in 2005 Joseph Carr set out on his own to create his family-owned, Napa-based wine company. Influenced by Bordeaux and Burgundy, Carr's phi- losophy was to produce wines of balance, sophistication and approachability, com- bining Old World restraint and style with the distinct New World flair that comes from using quality Napa fruit.

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