The Tasting Panel magazine

JULY 2011

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MEZCAL REPORT Ca A tegory on WHERE THERE’S SMOKE, THERE’S MEZCAL by Nick Passmore orms are for Wimps!” This dec- laration of macho bravura is the slogan adopted by Doug French Fire W for his Scorpion brand of mezcal. You see, his mezcal contains nothing as wimpy as the worm offered by some of his competitors, but yes, you guessed it, a real, dead, scorpion. Welcome to the high-testosterone world of mezcal, the new-old distilled spirit from Mexico. Being more familiar with tequila, people tend to think of mezcal as a version of tequila, but the situation is really the exact opposite: tequila is a defined and regulated form of mezcal. “The quintessential artisanal product”: a mezcal distillery in Oaxaca. july 201 1 / the tasting panel / 99 © 1995-2001 DEL MAGUEY SINGLE VILLAGE MEZCAL

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