The Tasting Panel magazine

JULY 2011

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NOSE-ABLES Uno, Dos, Tres Equals Magnifi co D avid Ravandi and I go back about 14 years. I met him on the very fi rst day I became Editor of a California-based trade publication called Patterson’s Beverage Journal, the magazine that eventually evolved into THE TASTING PANEL. Although my palate was a bit less educated then, I do remem- ber the succulent agave notes of a tequila he had co-founded: Casa Noble. It was the ultra-pre- mium fi rst of its day. 123 founder David Ravandi. Ravandi, who also has a genius for marketing, invited me to lunch a month or so ago (he knows my fondness for great restaurants too) to be among the fi rst to write about his newest endeavor, 123 Certifi ed Organic Tequila (Uno Dos Tres). I can tell you about the volcanic soils in which this 100% Blue agave is grown on pristine, sustainable estate fi elds, or the legend for which the spectacular dream-like artwork is weaved on the packaging, based on an Aztec goddess. Up-to-date, the bottles are crafted from recycled glass and labeled with recycled paper and natural soy inks. But I think that our readers will fi nd it even more constructive to realize the superb fl avor profi le of the three expressions. In our June 2011 issue, I scored the 123 portfolio with a 96, calling the Blanco “one of the highest-quality silvers that I’ve tasted.” I encourage you to discover these textured, earthy beauties for yourself. —Meridith May july 201 1 / the tasting panel / 115

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