Computer Graphics World

May/June 2014

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THE PROFESSIONALS' CHOICE MSI MOBILE WORKSTATIONS POWERED BY NVIDIA ® QUADRO ® BUILT FOR PROFESSIONALS - AVAILABLE WITH 3K DISPLAY Featuring the latest technology from NVIDIA ® Quadro ® and certified by Adobe ® Creative Suite 6, Autodesk, and SolidWorks, MSI's next generation GT70|GT60 Mobile Workstations set the new standard for enhanced performance and reliability. To learn more about MSI's Mobile Workstations, visit: AVAILABLE AT SELECT E-TAILERS ›› CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS AVAILABLE AT VALUE ADDED PARTNERS ›› Visit us at Booth #853 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K msi_20140502_CGW.pdf 1 5/15/2014 10:20:45 AM

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