The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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may 2014  /  the tasting panel  /  65 may 2014 /  the tasting panel  / 65 PHOTO: JASON KINDIG Improving on Perfection by David Gadd Drama in drink: At Nick & Sam's Steakhouse in Dallas, mixologist Steve Enriquez prepares the "Millionaire's Margarita," featuring Gran Patrón Platinum. Platinum is one of three tequilas in Patrón's pinnacle Gran Patrón tier, which also includes Gran Patrón Burdeos and newly launched Gran Patrón Piedra. A HALO TIER FOR THE WORLD'S TOP ULTRA-PREMIUM TEQUILA TP0514_034-71.indd 65 4/25/14 2:20 PM

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