The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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68  /  the tasting panel  /  may 2014 Legendary The Art of Living Legendary Legendary HEINEKEN USA SHOWS CONSUMERS AND TRADE HOW TO LIVE LEGENDARY by Carla Soriano / photos by Jason Kindig PHOTO: JASON KINDIG At the National Distributors' Conference and Expo, HEINEKEN USA brands like Dos Equis bring the legendary to life. "Live Legendary," HEINEKEN USA's new mantra, permeated loud and clear at its recently held National Distributors' Conference and Expo, held in Houston, Texas—coin- cidentally the state where everything is bigger and better, according to most Texans. In true Heineken- meets-Texas style, a big, bold expo highlighting core HEINEKEN USA brands created a legendary experi- ence for attendees. TP0514_034-71.indd 68 4/25/14 2:23 PM

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