The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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62  /  the tasting panel  /  may 2014 Meet the Young's Market Company of Arizona team: Robert Camacho, Craft Spirit Specialist; Jason Asher, Director of Beverage Program Development; Sheldon Alexander, Senior VP Sales; David Bart, EVP, GM; Chris Curtin, Branch Manager. Raising Arizona YOUNG'S MARKET COMPANY HELPS ARIZONA ELEVATE ITS GAME by Rachel Burkons / photos by Mark Ryan If you were looking for Jason Asher during Arizona Cocktail Week this past February, you might have found him in the prep kitchen, batch- ing cocktails for an upcoming seminar. Or you could have found him working with a team of local bartenders, putting together the Last Slinger Standing competition, which pitted Arizona talent head-to-head against the best Vegas had to offer (FYI, AZ took home the win). You could've caught Asher in a dozen locations during a week of activity, wearing a shirt that says teacher across it in big, bold letters. TP0514_034-71.indd 62 4/24/14 11:03 PM

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