The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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52  /  the tasting panel  / may 2014 HOT SHOT E ach month we team up with the beverage industry recruiting & staffing experts at BevForce and chat with one of their Movers & Shakers to get a behind-the-scenes insight on the job search process, the beverage industry's most innovative companies and the executives who drive them. This month, we chatted with Tate Troelstrup, who was recently named Illinois State Manager at Deep Eddy Vodka. He had been Illinois State Manager at Infinium Spirits. How would you define Deep Eddy's culture and what attracted you to it? Deep Eddy's culture is definitely defined by passionate ownership and truly enjoying what you do every day. The whole team takes the success of the brand very personally and that makes for an exciting environment. With Deep Eddy, no one thinks twice about going the extra mile. What are your plans to further develop the business over the next year? The goal of Deep Eddy over the next year is to capitalize on the explosive growth of the brand through increasing distribution and getting liquid to lips. We know once people try Deep Eddy, they become customers for life. So, we have to get to the places that will allow people to enjoy their first Deep Eddy cocktail. What was the best career advice you've ever been given and who gave it to you? Great question! I came to my first supplier role directly from a bar management position, so there was a big learning curve for me—but the best advice came from the industry veteran who gave me that first job. On day one I asked him for tips on succeeding in the industry and he said, "Always do what you say you're going to do, and do it well." What advice would you give to jobseekers looking for their next role? Ask a lot of questions; really get to know the brand and company culture before you make a move. For me, I need to be truly passionate about a brand to represent it—no one wants to fake enthusiasm, but be sure there is room to grow in your role once your passion and hard work leads to success! What are some of the most valuable lessons you have learned from mentors in the industry? This is a business of relationships, and the most valuable lessons I have learned from my mentors have been about building and maintaining great relationships. The details matter—show up early for meetings, be passionate about your product and provide great follow up. We live in a world of constant multi-tasking and I've found that simple things, like thank you notes and delivering on promises, get better results than anything else. If you didn't work in the beverage industry, what would you be doing? Well, my roots are on the service side, so I believe if I did anything else then I would definitely be back where I began my career running a bar/ restaurant. If you weren't drinking Deep Eddy, you would be drinking a . . . Not drinking Deep Eddy? Well that doesn't sound like much fun, but I have been known to enjoy a well-brewed cup of coffee (or three) once in a while. Tate Troelstrup ILLINOIS STATE MANAGER, DEEP EDDY VODKA PHOTO: JILL TIONGCO PHOTOGRAPHY Tate Troelstrup. TP0514_034-71.indd 52 4/24/14 11:03 PM

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