The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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16  /  the tasting panel  / may 2014 Brief Encounters Whether THE TASTING PANEL goes to the brand execs or the brands call us, there is an abundance of news to report, from the latest releases to behind-the-scenes experiences with some of the world's most influential importers, winemakers, distillers . . . well, you name it. We may not have enough pages in each issue to devote as much attention as we would like to each person whose path we cross, but please note that if it's in the publication, we deem it noteworthy —Meridith May, Publisher & Executive Editor THE MESSAGE I n 1980 Terry and Pam Davis were asked to host a charity event for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Eager to help since their son had been recently diagnosed with CF, their idea was to do something different: to charge $500 a person and serve an eight-course meal with no silent auction, live auction or anything but great food and fine wines. It worked out better than any- one could have predicted. Over the next five years the Who's Who of American food and wine came to Houston for the event, including Wolfgang Puck, Thomas Keller and Michael Mondavi. This sparked a lifetime interest in wine, and wine eventually carried the Davises to Napa. Four years later they find themselves at home in Yountville, in the heart of Napa Valley, and making world-class Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. The label they chose is Frisson, a French word that is hard to translate, yet perfectly describes this adventure they are on: a thrill that is stimulating, exciting, and a touch scary as they navigate this new road. Life Takes Us Places Terry and Pam Davis. Hamming it Up A stunning array of chefs partici- pated in Charlie Palmer's Pigs & Pinot event in Healdsburg. Their pork-inspired dishes were creative and modern. Check out our recap on page 30. Photo taken at Charlie palmer's Dry Creek Kitchen in Healdsburg. Left to right: Dustin Valette, Jack Herron, Mike Nogera, Justin Zawosky, Vincent Pouessel, Bryan Voltaggio, Andrew Di Clementi, Amanda Freitag, Charlie Palmer, Seakyeong Kim and Frank Crispo. QUINTESSENTIALLY BRIT. Our master distillers have developed a secret blend of 8 botanicals of the fi nest quality. The result is a hand crafted, full-fl avoured gin of classic taste for the quintessential G&T and other bespoke cocktails. Why 8 is so great: E N J O Y R E S P O N S I B LY | L A N G L E Y S G I N . C O M I M P O R T E D BY : T E R L AT O A R T I S A N S P I R I T S · L A K E B L U F F , I L · A LW AY S E X C E P T I O N A L BRAND: Langley's Gin HEADLINE: Quintessentially Brit. PUBLICATION: Patterson's The Tasting Panel Magazine INSERTION DATE: May 2014 AD SIZE: Full Page – FP Bleed / Trim 8.3755" X 10.875" CONTACT: Mike Roberts 847.444.5611 SUBMITTED BY: Terlato Wines International, 900 Armour Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 A R T I S A N S P I R I T S A R T I S A N S P I R I T S A R T I S A N S P I R I T S A R T I S A N S P I R I T S 16  /  the tasting panel  / may 2014 PHOTO: COURTESY OF PIGS & PINOT TP0514_001-33.indd 16 4/24/14 10:43 PM

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