The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2014

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102  /  the tasting panel  /  may 2014 HOT PROPERTY T he San Antonio River Walk, a downtown walkway of dining, shopping and entertain- ment, meanders along with the San Antonio River. Sometimes called Paseo del Rio, it's among the top tourist attractions in the entire state of Texas. So it brings with it certain expectations for the visitor. Being the signature restaurant of a historic hotel, which not only sits on the River Walk but has also been a fixture there since 1968, also brings with it certain expectations. In this case, the hotel is the Omni La Mansión del Rio, the restaurant is Las Canarias and the man connecting all those (and many more) dots is Executive Chef John Brand. He must carefully balance divergent tastes for his clientele, while also A selection of Washington cheeses with local honey and assorted items, paired with . . . Maryhill 2012 Viognier, Columbia Valley The deep pear notes and engaging acidity of this Viognier make it versatile for a variety of tastes and textures. Cider-braised beef short rib with fresh apple, horseradish and celery root slaw, and glazed parsnips, paired with . . . Terra Blanca 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Mountain Simple ingredients prepared thoughtfully, and then paired with a sumptuous Cab. These are some of the standout dishes and wines from Omni's "Taste Washington" promotion at the Omni La Mansión del Rio. Washington on the Rio by Anthony Head / photos by Kirk Weddle Omni La Mansión del Rio Executive Chef John Brand. TP0514_102-116.indd 102 4/24/14 11:03 PM

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