Computer Graphics World

March/April 2014

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C G W M a r ch / A p r i l 2 014 ■ 1 F E AT U R E S SEE IT IN D E PA R T M E N T S 2 EDITOR'S NOTE HIGHS AND LOWS A look at the struggles of digital artists and the amazing work they continue to accomplish. 4 SPOTLIGHT PRODUCTS Autodesk's 2015 3D animation software releases • Faceware's Indie Facial Mocap Package • Autodesk's Character Generator • Stratasys' Objet500 Connex3 • Dell's Precision M2800 6 8 VIEWPOINT Flying In a CG World 42 REVIEWS Wacom's Cintiq 22HD Touch and Digital Storm's Slade Pro 48 BACK PRODUCTS Recent software and hardware releases 42 C O M P U T E R G R A P H I C S W O R L D 16 UNSEEN BEAUTY Creating "invisble effects" to create historical settings. 17 War Paint 21 The Art of War 24 Everything Is Under Control 26 WHEN STARS ALIGN AND WORLDS INTERSECT Director Stu Maschwitz puts production tools through their paces as he creates a short film that will be used as a movie pitch. 30 A LOOK UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Taking TV visual effects and camera moves to new heights on CSI. 34 AMERICAN MADE Digital design plays a key role for the Olympic bobsled team. on the C O V E R 10 TIME DIFFERENCE PDI/DreamWorks uses CG technology to update the decades-old characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and then blast them into the past as they begin their 3D adventures in the feature Mr. Peabody & Sherman. M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 4 | V O L . 3 7 | N O . 2 | AUDIO FOR GAMES | PREVIS: POST INSURANCE | STORAGE SUPPLEMENT P O S T M A G A Z I N E . c o m 16 30 34 38 EDUCATION

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