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9 Backyard Wealth Bountiful trees help feed the hungry yoga & spirit 17 Vets with PTSD find relief through yoga 16 Rock Your Body: Anti-cancer spice, brain-building spinach, migraine help, don't blame your parents success track 20 Ready for Relaunch: Sometimes it takes losing a job to help you find your way backwords 42 Who Needs Western Medicine: Esoteric healing did the trick New Twist on Beachcomber Art Salvaged trash sends a message 26 Thwarted Mamas Everyday items that threaten fertility 24 10 Scene in the Southland Conscious Life Expo, Wisdom 2.0, Natural Products Expo whole living 14 Sex Talk: Organic orgasms grow from well-tended roots on our cover Travel: Cultural Sustainability Germany mainstreams green 28 From the Editor 6 Art & Soul Professional Services Calendar Classifieds Contributors 8 30 34 40 41 In every issue Urban Essentials 13 taste of health 18 Precious Golden Threads: A pinch of saffron can brighten a meal 12 Get a Green Degree College eco-programs are a win-win april/may 2014 5 FINAL-WLT-APRIL-MAY.indd 5 3/30/14 7:58 PM