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4 Post • February 2014 editor's note Reality TV, plug-ins and more! T his month, we look at Reality TV — those shows that nobody admits to watching, but for some reason, are surprisingly popular? Let's face it — they are inescapable! I can honestly say I've never watched Jersey Shore or Real Housewives, but when I checked my own viewing habits, Reality TV programs kept popping up. My guilty pleasures are of the "Alaskan" and "Gold" genres: Gold Rush, Bering Sea Gold, Wild West Alaska and Flying Wild Alaska to be specific. Heck, I even got roped into Jungle Gold, which takes place in Africa. The length that these guys go through to not find gold is astounding! I can't stop watching. I've even caught a few episodes of Finding Bigfoot?! As if I expect them to actually find Bigfoot?? Finding Bigfoot researcher "Bobo" graces our cover this month, and if you turn to our Reality TV feature on page 18, you can read more about the challenges program produc- ers and post houses face in dealing with tons of footage, a wide range of acquisition for- mats, multiple storylines, and broadcast deadlines. Say what you will about Reality TV, but the "reality" is that it's a serious business. One that helps manufacturers sell equipment. One that keeps post studios busy. And one that US audiences seem to enjoy. (Any Duck Dynasty fans out there?) But there's a lot more to this month's issue. Iain Blair talks with director Peter Berg about the well-received feature, Lone Survivor (page 12). Jennifer Walden connects with a number of audio pros, each of whom reveals one their favorite problem-solving post tools (page 30). And on page 36, we have a gallery of VFX Plug-Ins that can improve the look of any project with only a minimal cash investment. Some of these plug-ins now benefit from GPU acceleration too, helping to speed up performance and save pros time. "I think every artist, editor or animator I know has a set of plug-ins they just couldn't imagine doing their jobs without," says Greg Estes, VP of marketing at Nvidia, whose GPUs help power such releases. "And that's really not surprising given the ability of many of the plug-in software vendors to be agile and get innovative new looks or effects to market quickly. These are sometimes very small companies, but they punch way above their weight in terms of technical ability. And one of the things they do extremely well is listen to their customers and respond with unique capabilities, profoundly impacting the effi- ciency of workflows and the creative process." Enjoy the issue and let us know what you think? By MARC LOFTUS Senior editor/ director of Web content Post Magazine is published by Post, LLC, a COP communications company. Post does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. Post cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations or other materials. Subscriptions: Address all subscription correspondence to Post Magazine, 620 West Elk Ave, Glendale, CA 91204. Subscribers may also contact customer service at 818-291-1158, or send an email to For change of address please include the old and new address information, and if possible, include an address label from a recent issue. Subscriptions are available free to qualified individuals within the United States. Non-qualified 1 year rates: USA $63.00. Canada & Mexico $94.00. All Other Countries $133.00. Airmail Delivery is available for an additional $75.00 annually. Postmaster : Send address changes to Post Magazine, P.O. Box 3551, Northbrook, IL 60065-3551. Please send customer service inquiries to 620 W. Elk Ave., Glen- dale, CA 91204 See uS on E D I T O R I A L MARc LOfTus Senior Editor/Director of Web Content (516) 376-1087 chRIsTInE BunIsh Film& Video IAIn BLAIR Film JEnnIfER WALDEn Audio DAnIEL REsTuccIO West Coast Bureau BARRY GOch West Coast Blogger/Reporter MIchAEL VIGGIAnO Art Director A D V E R T I s I n G MARI KOhn Director of Sales (818) 291-1153 cell: (818) 472-1491 GARY RhODEs Eastern & Intl Sales Manager (631) 274-9530 cell (516)410-8638 LIsA BLAcK Corporate Sales Executive, Events, Custom and Integrated Print/Publishing Services (818) 660-5828 suBscRIPTIOns (818) 291-1158 cusTOMER sERVIcE 620 West Elk Ave, Glendale, CA 91204 (800) 280 6446 DALE EscEn Account Manager 818-291-1122 REPRInTs Reprints (781) 255-0625 • (818) 291-1153 LA sALEs OffIcE: 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204 (800) 280-6446 WILLIAM R. RITTWAGE President / CEO