The Tasting Panel magazine

February 2014

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92 / the tasting panel / february 2014 WHAT'S NEW T alk about having a lot on your plate both literally and iguratively! The youthful but seasoned Director of Food and Beverage at Indian Wells Golf Resort, Scott Winant, has been on board less than a year but is riding a major transformation of the property's ine-dining restaurant and bar. The newly renovated and re-named VUE Grille & Bar centers on a new culinary view to relect more current dining and bever- age trends. Winant is right on the focus of the innovative craft-style restaurant with emphases on local produce, sustainably raised meat and poultry, fresh seafood and farm-to-table cuisine. An Orange County native, Scott Winant, came up from San Diego last year where he was the F&B Director at the Westin San Diego. Additionally, Winant brings to the table diverse food and beverage leadership experience, from Newport Beach's Cannery to its waterfront icon, Rusty Pelican. With a change in direction at the club that spans from the Executive Chef to the GM, Winant is thrilled to be at this internation- ally known desert destination. "Everyone associated with the change that has taken place should be glowing with pride as I am," he states. "It is exciting and fresh and our F&B program is just bursting with limitless potential." The multi-million-dollar makeover includes a space for live nightly entertainment in the bar area, a sushi bar with its own private patio and the new gastropub. of the Desert MEET F&B DIRECTOR SCOTT WINANT VUE Scott Winant is Director of Food and Beverage at VUE Grille & Bar at California's Indian Wells Golf Resort. by Rick Riozza / photos by Tom Zasadzinski

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