The Tasting Panel magazine

January 2014

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TASTING PANEL | THE contents January 2014 Vol. 72 No. 1 COVER STORY 51 A GLOBAL BRAND THAT'S FAMILY-FOCUSED William Grant & Sons Melds Heritage with Innovation UP FRONT 5 CONSTANT EVOLUTION Aveleda Rides the Rising Tide in Portugal FEATURES 56 60 88 73 85 TP0114_001-33.indd 8 NOMADIC BARTENDER A Wandering Spirit: Soyombo Vodka Roams across Los Angeles BEYOND TRADITION With Renewed Efforts in Production and Marketing, Portugal Embraces the New World THE WINE AND FOOD INFLUENCERS OF PASO ROBLES PASO PASSION Exploring the Exciting Bordeaux-Style Wines from the Paso Robles CAB Collective GOING TO EXTREMES Look to Argentina's Southernmost Regions for Dynamic Wine Styles PHOTO: SUSAN SABO 8  /  the tasting panel  /  january 2014 92 88 A SOMMELIER SIT-DOWN Peek Inside an Intimate Lunch as L.A.'s Top Somms Get Together to Blind Taste Wines From the Maisons Marques & Domaines Portfolio 12/19/13 9:23 PM

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